Born in Shanghai, Li Jingbing was no ordinary child. His career in Radio started at age seven when he entered Radio Shanghai as a children's program host. Li won many awards for both acting and directing. For the past ten years Li found his home in Sydney, Australia and for the past 5 years, he became the voice you all know and love on the midday FM music show. Li has now moved back to Shanghai and teamed up with Tracey Ashman to bring Easy FM 103.7 straight to you from the heart of your city, Shanghai!


有故事的李晶冰的简历永远是最短的。 李晶冰从小就不是一般的孩子。

7岁起他就在上海人民电台担任儿童节目主持人。在主持和表演方面,他获得过许多奖项。11年前他移民去了澳大利亚。在那里5年的电台生涯使他成为了家喻户晓的午间音乐节目主持人。现在李晶冰回到了上海与他的英国搭档Tracey Ashman一起,为上海听众带来最优秀的节目:Easy FM 103.7。

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